About Witch Mob

From organizing all night dance parties and pop-up boutiques across Texas to designing clothes, styling models for photo shoots, and creating custom content on every social media platform, Witch Mob's ultimate mission is to showcase the tastemakers and empower others to challenge themselves in producing art and lasting memories that will leave an impact in this lifetime. 

Formed in March of 2017, the idea of Witch Mob was manifested by a collective of boss witches living in Austin, Texas. Our goal was to form a team of likeminded individuals who are responsible for spreading magic, creativity, and positivity throughout culture. Overtime, Witch Mob has sparked something that has over exceeded our own expectations, as we were not only influenced by witches who were making noise in their scene, but we were inspiring them as well, by giving these creatives an outlet to express themselves and come to be who they truly are. 

Witch Mob doesn't discriminate, anyone can be a witch, just as long as you have a good heart and pure intentions. Witch Mob was created to inspire other people to build, and we will showcase those that are doing great things behind the scenes, such as producing music, designing clothes, drawing, MUA, dancing, putting together events, basically anything that brings art and love into the universe.



Want to work with us? Want us to help promote your event? Collab?